Privacy Notice
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Privacy Notice

Your personal information and what we do with it 


Why do you collect my information?

Thriving Workplaces collects your information to enable us to provide directed wellbeing services to organisations. Our service is commissioned by Norfolk County Council.  

For organisations: Your corporate data will be used to design and implement our tailored Workplace Health Programme.  

Adult Weight Management Clients: Your personal data will be used to provide our Adult Weight Management Programme to check eligibility, provide support and deliver our programme. 


Who do you get my data from? 

We get your organisation information from a nominated representative. For our Adult Weight Management programme we get your information from self-referral and referral from our programme partners. 


What information of mine do you use?

The personal data we use for you includes name, identification numbers, location data, online identifiers, and any physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of an individual. When using this information, the legal basis we use is Consent. 

We also use more sensitive special category data including race/ethnicity, religious/philosophical beliefs, genetics/biometrics, health records and sexual orientation. When using this information, the legal basis we use is Explicit Consent.

The organisation information we collect does not identify any individuals. We store it confidentially and do not pass onto third parties.


Do you share my information with anyone? 

We share organisation information with Public Health only. 


Does any of my information get sent outside of the UK?

We do send your data outside the UK but not outside the EU.


How long do you keep my information?

We retain data in line with the NHS Records Management Code of Practice 2021. We retain Adult Weight Management Personal Data for 8 years. 


What about my rights under Data Protection law, how can I activate them?

Under Data Protection law you have the right to: 

  • Be informed how your data is used (which is what this leaflet is doing).  
  • Access to your information. 
  • Rectification of errors. 
  • Erasure (in certain circumstances). 
  • Restriction of processing (in certain circumstances) 
  • Objection to processing. 
  • Data Portability. 
  • Understand whether profiling or automated decision-making is being used (see Section 9). 

If you would like to request or discuss any of these, please contact our Data Asset Owner using the details at the end of this page. 


Do you use any automated decision-making or profiling on my information?

We do use your information to make automated decisions about your Body Mass Index to provide our Adult Weight Management services.


What do I do if I am concerned about how you are using my information?

In the first instance we would be grateful for the opportunity to respond to your concerns ourselves and hopefully sort out any issues for you. To help with this, please write to our Data Asset Owner at the following address: [email protected].

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of our support, you may take your complaint to the ICO:
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. It can be contacted by telephone on 0303 123 1113 or by email on [email protected].