Smoking and Tobacco-Related Ill Health
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Smoking banner

Click the icon to download the resource. 

Smoke free

Smoke Free Norfolk

Norfolk’s free smoking cessation service is provided by East Coast Community Healthcare, visit their website to find out about the support they can offer.

NICE Guidelines on Smoking

NICE Guidelines – Smoking: Workplace Interventions

Give this handy article a read, written by the BHF it has some great ideas for initiatives to help smokers quit at work!

Heart Foundation

British Heart Foundation – How Does Smoking Damage Your Heart?

The British Heart Foundation provide lots of helpful information on the danger of smoking and support to quit.

I quit contract

British Heart Foundation – Health at Work: I Quit Contract

The British Heart Foundation have created this downloadable I Quit contract which could be useful when supporting employees and colleagues to quit.

One You

NHS – One You

The NHS’s One You website gives information and support on a variety of lifestyle areas including smoking, drinking, healthy eating, sleep and stress. As well as access to their ‘how are YOU?’ quiz which calculates your a free personalised health score!