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The damage caused to your health by smoking is well documented,  but the damage doesn’t end there – smoking is also bad for business!

Smokers take between 1 and 2.7 more sick days off per year compared to non-smokers as well as more breaks, which leads to 136 hours of lost productivity time costing the average business £1522 in unproductive wages! So for the employee and the employer, smoking can be an expensive habit!

Many smokers would welcome the support of their employers in helping them quit, and what better place to start than with Stoptober!


67% say that they would like their employers to promote campaigns such as Stoptober and No Smoking Day!


Giving employees encouragement and support to stop smoking need not cost. Here are some easy and effective ways to show your support in the workplace;

  1. Create a supportive environment for quitting – This could be as simple as informing employees of local services such as Smokefree Norfolk, to developing smoking cessation initiatives.
  2. Be a champion – The use of Workplace Health and Wellbeing Champions throughout the workplace can be a great source of encouragement and vital in signposting to services.
  3. Document it – Why not incorporate a smoking cessation policy in to the overall smoke-free working policy for clear guidelines and practices! Or be bold and aim for a completely smoke-free workforce!


71% of smokers say they would find free information on quitting useful!


Of course, information alone may not be sufficient to break an addictive habit and investing in a little extra backing may be necessary. This could include allowing time for employees to attend appointments relating to smoking cessation, or vouchers for products.

NICE also suggest that employers could go that extra mile by providing healthy-eating options to support quitters’ potential urges to eat, as well as provide space for support groups to meet!


78% would like information about their local stop smoking service for support!


So join in this October and let us know how your workplace gets on! Or get in touch to find out how you can benefit from our FREE strategic workplace health service!