You are on a mission to create new healthy eating habits that will stop calories creeping up on you once and for all. Not even Mr Bond could beat the determination you feel to see this health mission through.
Then the working week starts. Other priorities take over, and it becomes harder to avoid the calories creeping up you as a quick meal deal becomes the go-to that gets you through the day.
Public Health England’s recommendation of 400:600:600 calories per day is a guide for eating on the go. The remaining 400 calories for women and 900 calories for men can be made up with healthy drinks and snacks. Although, when you’re in a hurry, being conscious of your calorie in-take could end up taking a back seat. We’ve all been there!
To support you in managing your food choices on-the-go, we’re giving away simple food swap suggestions that will make even a snappy food choice one that favours your health. Once you know about these food swaps the world will not be enough to stop you from keeping your health goals in-tact (*queues the James Bond sound track*).
The idea behind the simple food swaps is to become more aware of the very small changes you can make that, over time, will have a noticeable impact on your health. You may be surprised to discover how many calories you could be saving, just be opting for the lighter version of your usual sauce or choosing a sugar-free version to your favourite dressing.
Why not share this resource with a friend or someone at work? Make this a challenge to tackle as a team.
Keep an eye open for more resources over April designed to support healthy food choices, and comment on Facebook so we can find out how you’re getting along and support your journey. After all, when we support each other there’s no such thing as an impossible healthy food mission – good luck!
For more information on how we can support you in making healthy food choices while at work, get in touch with us here.