workplace culture
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Now that 90% of UK households have a broadband connection [1], and conference technology like and Skype are more reliable, working from home is easier than ever. With commute times longer in most areas of the county than a decade ago [2], surely the logical answer...

Is it possible to lose weight while sitting at your desk? The good news is there are ways around the health challenges that we all risk facing from spending most days sitting behind a desk or the wheel of a car.   The not-so-great news is to...

I’ve you’ve been involved with or following our service for any length of time then you’ve probably heard us talking about Workplace Health Champions and how important they are for a sustained workplace health and wellbeing strategy. Keep on reading to find out more about...

Mental health affects us all so it’s incredibly important to address mental health at work for those with existing issues and those at risk, but also for the workforce as a whole. This Mental Health Awareness Week we’re sharing with you five ways to support...

The most common question we are faced with when working with organisations is ‘how can we better manage mental health at work?’. Time and time again our staff survey reveals that employees would not feel comfortable discussing mental health issues with management, but we can...

Thriving workplaces has been helping employers across Norfolk since April 2017 to tackle workplace health and wellbeing from all angles. Whether it be smoking cessation or healthy eating, we have solutions to help, with the aim of making this the healthiest county to live and...

Health and wellbeing in the workplace is a huge topic, from smoking to mental health, it can be hard to know where to start. Although we encourage a holistic health and wellbeing strategy, this is for the long term and prioritisation is important to prevent...

This month on the blog we are going to be focusing on our newly up and running members only area, and some of the most valuable (we think!) resources we link to on the site. Since Mental Health is the by far the most common...

Companies whose main measures are financial, will eventually see their finances suffer. Having worked with many different companies in recent years, I’ve experienced a wide range of management approaches and styles. I’ve noticed that one thing that sets successful and less successful companies apart, is what they...

Norfolk County Council is excited to host a free Work and Health Event at The King’s Centre in Norwich on 2 February 2018 from 9.15am to 4pm and we have the pleasure of inviting you.   This free event is for businesses that would like to improve...